Life – Human Right Warrior It's all about your rights Fri, 13 Jan 2023 02:47:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What does the Bible say about changing your life? Fri, 13 Jan 2023 02:47:13 +0000 The Bible has much to say about changing one’s life and the power of transformation. For centuries, the Christian faith has served as a source of hope, guidance, and direction for many people. In the Bible, there are countless passages which offer insight into how one can improve their life and make meaningful changes.    …

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The Bible has much to say about changing one’s life and the power of transformation. For centuries, the Christian faith has served as a source of hope, guidance, and direction for many people. In the Bible, there are countless passages which offer insight into how one can improve their life and make meaningful changes. 


The Bible is a powerful source of wisdom and guidance and is filled with advice on how to lead a fulfilling, godly life. Changing your life is no small feat and is often a difficult journey to embark on. But if we can draw on the wisdom of the Bible to help us, the journey is made much easier. 

1. Seek God and His Will for your Life

The spiritual journey of life is one that can be both beautiful and challenging. We are often seeking understanding and purpose in life, but it is important to remember that the true source of peace and joy lies in seeking the will of God. Through prayer, worship and contemplation, we can connect with God to help guide us through our life and the decisions we make. Seeking God’s will for our lives is an important part of discovering our purpose and living a life of joy and peace. As we journey through life, it is important to keep our focus on God and His will for our lives. We must remember to keep our eyes fixed on Him, and to put Him first in all we do. 


Living life with intention and purpose can be a difficult task. It requires us to leave behind our own manufactured ideas of success and instead seek out the path that God has laid out for us. When we learn to seek God and His will for our life, we open ourselves up to a life filled with deeper joy and fulfillment.

2. Do What is Right 

In a professional setting, doing what is right and just is essential to fostering a respectful, productive and safe environment. Not only is it important to do what is right and just in terms of workplace safety and code of conduct, but also in terms of maintaining a positive work culture. A culture which encourages collaboration, mutual support and respect can be a huge asset to any organization. Doing what is right and just is not just about following rules, but about treating others with respect and upholding ethical standards.


Justice is an essential component of a healthy, functioning society. While doing what is right and just may appear to be straightforward, there are a variety of complex nuances that must be taken into consideration. This is especially true when it comes to matters of the law and how it is interpreted and enforced. 

3. Trust in God for Guidance

Trust in God for guidance is an important part of the Christian spiritual journey. When life throws curve balls, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of the path in front of you. But when you have a relationship with God, you have a reliable source of guidance to turn to. By trusting in God and relying on His wisdom, you can make decisions that honor Him and His will for your life.


Trust is a powerful virtue, and it can be used in many different areas of life. While trust can be placed in a number of places, there is no better source for guidance than in God. God has provided us with the gift of love, strength, and guidance, and trusting in Him is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. We can easily be distracted and overwhelmed by the struggles of this life, but when we put our trust in God, He can provide us with the direction and strength that we need to get through it. His guidance can help us to stay focused and make decisions that are in line with His will. With faith and trust in God, we can make better choices and be more confident in our actions.

4. Make Decisions with Prayerful Consideration

At the core of prayerful consideration is the recognition that our decisions are not just limited to the immediate consequences, but also have long-term implications. By pausing to reflect and pray before making a decision, we can become aware of the potential ripple effects of our choices and consider how our decision may affect our future, the lives of others, and our relationship with God. Through prayerful consideration, we can identify potential obstacles and gain clarity that will help us make the best decisions for ourselves and others.


When making decisions, prayerful consideration is essential in order to make decisions that are aligned with our personal values and that are beneficial for the highest good of all involved. Prayerful consideration can give us the wisdom and guidance that we need to make decisions that are in our best interest and that bring us closer to our ultimate goal. Prayerful consideration can help us to discern the difference between what we truly want and what our ego wants, and can help us to make decisions from a place of love, peace and insight.

5. Believe in the Power of Grace and Forgiveness

We all face difficult moments in our lives, some more trying than others. In these moments, it can be difficult to feel strong enough to make it through. As humans, we are all imperfect, and we all make mistakes. When faced with failure, it is important to remember that grace and forgiveness are powerful tools to move forward. Forgiveness allows us to let go of the past and open up to the possibility of a future that is brighter and more rewarding. It is a recognition of the power of grace, and of our humanity, to forgive the mistakes of others and ourselves. 


Forgiveness and grace are two of the most powerful tools we have in life. They have the ability to unlock the potential in ourselves, others, and the world around us. While we often think of forgiveness and grace as concepts that are meant for our own personal healing and growth, there are also many instances where extending forgiveness and grace to others can have profound ripple effects.

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4 Keys To Everlasting Life, According To The Bible Wed, 31 Aug 2022 06:08:30 +0000 The Bible is full of wisdom and teachings that can help us lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. In this blog post, we will explore five of the most important keys to everlasting life, according to the Bible. The first key is to believe in Jesus Christ. When we put our faith in Jesus, we are …

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The Bible is full of wisdom and teachings that can help us lead meaningful and fulfilling lives. In this blog post, we will explore five of the most important keys to everlasting life, according to the Bible. The first key is to believe in Jesus Christ. When we put our faith in Jesus, we are guaranteed eternal life. The second key is to obey God’s commands. Obeying God shows our faith and commitment to Him, and it is what pleases Him. The third key is to love others. When we love others, we are fulfilling God’s commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves. The fourth key is to stay away from sin. Sinning separates us from God and leads to death.

1. Love God and Love Others

In order to have an everlasting life with God, we need to love God and love others. It’s that simple, and yet it’s so hard to do. Why is it so hard to love God and love others? I think it’s because we are human and we are fallen creatures. We are born with a sinful nature and we are prone to wander from God. Additionally, this world is full of distractions and temptations that can lead us astray. 


But, God is faithful. He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life with him. And, because God is love, he will never leave us or forsake us. 

2. Obey God’s commands

When you hear the word “obey,” what thoughts come to mind? For some, the word may bring up negative connotations of being bossed around or told what to do. But when it comes to obeying God’s commands, it’s actually a good thing!


Obeying God’s commands is the key to having everlasting life with Him. In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” It’s not enough to just say that we love God – we need to show it by obeying His commands. And when we do, we can experience the abundant life that He has promised us.


3.Trust in Jesus Christ for salvation

When we trust in Jesus Christ for salvation, we are trusting in the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). He is the only way to the Father – and to everlasting life with God. 


The good news is that we don’t have to earn our salvation. It is a free gift from God, made possible by His grace and His love for us. All we need to do is repent of our sins and put our trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. When we do this, we are forgiven and given new life – life that is eternal. We are also given the Holy Spirit, who helps us to grow in our faith and


4. Follow the Holy Spirit’s Leading

This life is full of choices. Some of these choices we make are based on our feelings or what others think is best for us. However, there is one source that will never lead us astray – the Holy Spirit. 


The Holy Spirit is our guide to truth and righteousness. When we follow His lead, we will always end up in the right place. Furthermore, when we walk in step with the Holy Spirit, we are guaranteed Everlasting life with God. 


So, how do we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading? The answer is simple: prayer and obedience. When we pray and ask God to show us the way, He will certainly answer. And when we obey His commands, we are choosing His will over our


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How can I walk with Jesus daily? Fri, 12 Aug 2022 14:39:49 +0000 One way to walk with Jesus  daily is to develop a personal relationship with Him. It’s important to spend time getting to know Him through prayer and reading His Word, the Bible. As you grow closer to Him, you’ll find that spending time with Jesus becomes more and more natural. You may also want to …

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One way to walk with Jesus  daily is to develop a personal relationship with Him. It’s important to spend time getting to know Him through prayer and reading His Word, the Bible. As you grow closer to Him, you’ll find that spending time with Jesus becomes more and more natural. You may also want to begin attending a Bible-based church and get involved in a small group or Sunday school class. 

Walking with Jesus is a lifelong journey that requires effort and commitment. There are many ways to walk with Jesus, but some basic things include spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, and attending church.  

1.Understanding His Love 

Walking with Jesus also means living a life that is pleasing to him. This means obeying his commands, being kind and loving to others, and sharing the gospel with others. Walking with Jesus is not always easy, but it is worth it because He is our Lord and Savior., and the more you walk with Him, the more you’ll come to understand His love for you.

Another way to walk with Jesus daily is to pray  and read the Bible. As you read the Bible, you can learn about who Jesus is and what he did for us. You can also learn how to follow him. When you pray, you can talk to Jesus and ask him to help you follow him.. Talk to Jesus about your day, your joys, and your concerns. 


2.Spent Time with Jesus and Follow his Commands 

As you read, think about what Jesus would do in the situations you encounter. One way to walk with Jesus daily is to try and imitate His example. This means being patient, kind, humble, and forgiving, even when it is difficult. It means loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you. It means always telling the truth, even when it would be easier to lie. It means treating others the way you want to be treated, even when they do not deserve it. It means giving generously to those in need, even when you yourself are in need. It means always doing what is right, even when it is hard. When you live your life like this, you will be walking in the footsteps of Jesus.

Thank Jesus for His blessings, and ask for His help with your challenges. You can also walk with Jesus daily by serving others. Look for ways to help those around you, and show them the love of Jesus. Finally, share your faith with others. Tell them about the hope and peace that you have found in Jesus.

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Tips For Parents on how to treat their Special Children’s Thu, 21 Jul 2022 22:17:55 +0000 Children with disabilities are priceless, and they deserve to be treated with dignity and fairness. With patience and understanding, parents of children with disabilities can teach their children to embrace their strengths. Many times, parents of a child with a disability may feel like a burden to other family members, but being a parent of …

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Children with disabilities are priceless, and they deserve to be treated with dignity and fairness. With patience and understanding, parents of children with disabilities can teach their children to embrace their strengths. Many times, parents of a child with a disability may feel like a burden to other family members, but being a parent of a special-needs child is an honor and a privilege.

It can be challenging and overwhelming for a parent of a child with a disability. However, with the help of your local community, parents can find support, counseling, and assistance. Parents of children with disabilities face many challenges. Many parents feel isolated as they struggle to overcome these challenges and learn to live with their child’s disability. Parents often feel they are alone, and many parents report feeling a loss of identity and a loss of self-esteem. As parents, we must find ways to connect with others, and parents with special needs children (including those with intellectual disabilities) are prime candidates for joining support groups. Family centered therapy provides parents and caregivers with knowledge and tools to better manage their child’s disability.

1.Be respectful

Children with learning disabilities often struggle in school, and parental support has made the difference for many children. Growing up is a complex process, and children with special needs often experience learning difficulties. Parents can provide their child with the support they need to reach their educational and social goals.

Parents of disabled children are often faced with some difficult choices. Regardless of whether their child is born with a disability or develops one as an adult, parents may have a hard time dealing with their emotional reactions. After all, their children are disabled, and that makes things harder for them, as well. The best thing you can do as a parent of disabled children is educate yourself.

2.Support them

When it comes to supporting disabled children, there’s a common misconception that it’s only the parents of children with visible disabilities who need to provide support. The reality is, however, that disabled children whose parents are disabled also experience social isolation. Disabled children can be a handful, but there’s a lot you can do to help. Providing care for your disabled child can be overwhelming, especially if she doesn’t have anyone to help her. Living with a disabled child can be especially difficult if she has no one to turn to for support. And sometimes, even the best parent can feel overwhelmed.

3.Let them know you love them

Parents of a disabled child face a unique set of challenges. Aside from the obvious concerns of their child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being, the parents are often faced with the financial burden of raising a disabled child. Fortunately, there are government programs and nonprofits available to help disabled children and their parents. Parents who have a disabled child often face great difficulties in their lives. These difficulties may stem from their child’s disabilities as well as the accompanying, and possibly compounding, difficulties that parents with disabled children may face. Parents to disabled children must face many challenges. Instead of just seeing these challenges as obstacles, consider them as opportunities to make life better for their children.

4.Read books 

Parents of disabled Children have to wade through a lot of information these days. There is a great deal of information available about how to deal with learning disabilities, learning disabilities, disabilities, and special education. One of the things that many parents of disabled people have trouble with is knowing how to help their children to read. Reading is a basic skill, and learning how to read well is important for all kids, but it can be particularly challenging for disabled kids. 

Books on disabilities have a very high volume of reading these days. Studies show that 75% of adults in the United States have one or more disabilities. That’s a lot of people. Reading books by adults with disabilities can not only help you get to know those with disabilities better, but it can inspire you and enrich your life as well.

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What Are 5 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle Wed, 01 Jun 2022 22:44:41 +0000 Maintaining a healthy lifestyle without getting overwhelmed or stressed out can seem impossible. The key is to develop healthy habits that you can maintain for the long haul. Healthy habits aren’t about perfection but rather about making small, sustainable changes that will eventually lead to a healthier lifestyle.   Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an …

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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle without getting overwhelmed or stressed out can seem impossible. The key is to develop healthy habits that you can maintain for the long haul. Healthy habits aren’t about perfection but rather about making small, sustainable changes that will eventually lead to a healthier lifestyle.


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Many people make the mistake of thinking that eating healthy and exercising is the most difficult part of being healthy. The reality is maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a daily task, and it requires patience and consistency.Having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to eat right and not get out and about. In fact, it doesn’t have to be all about eating right. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle means that you take care of yourself on a daily basis. 


Staying healthy can be a challenge, but taking a few simple steps each day can help you live a longer, fuller life with less stress. Start by taking care of yourself, setting realistic goals, and taking care of your body and mind.

1.Measure and Watch Your Weight


It is important to measure and keep track of your weight. Watching your weight is a good way to determine how healthy you are. Measuring your weight is also a way to keep track of your weight and helps you monitor your diet. Measuring your weight on a regular basis will help you keep track of how your weight is trending.Maintaining a healthy weight is important if you lead an active lifestyle, or want to lead one. However, if you crash your diet or over-exercise, you can end up weighing more and even more likely to gain weight. Obesity itself isn’t healthy, so even if you’re at a healthy weight, you’ll need to do some maintenance to keep that weight off.


Being overweight can lead to a number of detrimental health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Being overweight can also affect self-esteem by causing embarrassment and shame.

2.Limit Unhealthy Foods and Eat Healthy Meals

Cut out processed foods and sugary beverages with every meal. Choose lean meats and seafood. Limit the amount of sugar, oil, salt, and saturated fat you eat. Enjoy some low-fat dairy products. Watch portion sizes. Enjoy a variety of foods for a healthy diet.Living a healthy lifestyle means different things to different people. It means treating your body with kindness, and giving it what it needs to stay healthy. It also means, as you’ll see below, making smart choices with what you eat.


Eating healthy doesn’t have to mean depriving yourself of foods you love. In fact, eating healthy, balanced meals and snacks will help you to not only lose weight, but maintain it, too. While you’re at it, eating healthy foods can help you avoid many health problems, like obesity and diabetes.

3.Take Multivitamin Supplements

Everybody is different and needs balance. There are certain key nutrients that we all need for optimal health for different reasons. Some are essential for our physical shape, while others help us to live longer and healthier lives. Here we will cover eight essential vitamins and minerals. Let us know in the comment section if there are others that you would recommend we add to this list.


A healthy diet and regular exercise will go a long way to keeping you healthy, but sometimes we all fall short. When you are running short on nutrients, taking a multivitamin is the next best thing to a balanced diet. While it may taste bad, taking multivitamins is extremely important to living a healthy lifestyle.

4.Exercise Regularly and Be Physically Active

A healthy diet and regular exercise are two cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle, but regardless of what you eat or how active you are, if you’re not sleeping right, you’ll undo all your hard work. Getting a good night’s sleep is all about the amount of sleep you get, the quality of sleep you get, and when you last slept.


We all know that physical activity and exercise are key components to living a healthy lifestyle, but many people struggle to make the time to do it. But, when it comes down to it, we’ve all got the same amount of time in a day, and if we’re burning off more energy doing active things than we’re spending sitting on the couch, then clearly our active activities are going to actually have more of an impact on our health than the sedentary things we do.

5.Get Enough Good Sleep

Sleep deprivation may be the worst of the seven deadly sins. It’s more than simply not having enough time to sleep, but rather the inability to get the rest you need. You may think you’re in good company, knowing someone who stays up late and stays awake during the day. But in reality, sleep-deprived people are the most visible, since they tend to be grouchy, forgetful, and have shorter tempers. This, in fact, is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation has been linked to low energy, depression, and even cancer. Luckily, though, you can combat sleep deprivation.


Sleep is considered one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle and, unfortunately, a lack of sleep can have serious health consequences for you, including depression, anxiety, weight gain, reduced memory, and reduced productivity

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How to Overcome Challenges? Fri, 11 Jun 2021 01:52:37 +0000 Your challenges are not always the things that you have to overcome. Sometimes they are the things that are in front of you that seem like they are impossible to overcome. They are what keep you stuck. It is these challenges that have you believing that you can’t overcome them, that keep you from having …

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Your challenges are not always the things that you have to overcome. Sometimes they are the things that are in front of you that seem like they are impossible to overcome. They are what keep you stuck. It is these challenges that have you believing that you can’t overcome them, that keep you from having the courage to start on your path.


Some of us are born with challenges, while some of us face challenges we are not born with. The key is to face them head on, and attack them with the same vigor that we have used to face life’s other challenges. There are many things to learn about overcoming challenges you face, but for now, this blog post will simply list ten of the most important things to remember when overcoming challenges.

Tips for overcoming your challenge

This guide is dedicated to helping you overcome your challenge. Whether it is quitting smoking, finishing a diet, losing weight, or getting out of debt, we’ll help you overcome it.

There you are, minding your own business when suddenly a voice comes up from within and says, “You’re not living up to your potential.” Or maybe it’s something else, like, “Your life is a perfectionist,” or “You’ve got too much stuff.”

How to assist others in your challenge

As we all know, there is no such thing as a simple challenge. The reasons for this are many. It seems that no matter what, we manage to find reasons to be upset, or we are so ill-prepared for the challenges that we are forced to seek out help from others. This is especially true when it is a health challenge. We may be so ill-prepared that we have to seek out help from others. Or we may be involved in a challenge that we don’t feel we can manage alone.

Start creating small goals to overcome the challenge


Have you ever tried to do something you know is both a good idea and a good way of life, but you just can’t get started? You know you should start that new business. You want to be more productive and prosperous. You know it’s time to change your drinking habits. You could start taking better care of yourself. But you don’t.


When you face a challenge, you may find yourself questioning why it’s happening, how you got there, and what you’ll do next. These are all critical questions, and they will help you determine how you will respond. But these questions are also useful for you to ask yourself now to help you prepare for the challenge ahead. So start by asking yourself some simple questions.

Learn from your mistakes

There is a lot to be said about the way we learn, especially when it comes to mistakes. Some of these mistakes are minor, while some are very costly. (Think: losing a job) Learning from mistakes is one of the most important lessons anyone can know. Why? Because we can do so much better and be so much better if we are able to learn from our mistakes and try to understand them.

Identify what the challenge means to you

Are you in a situation where you are not sure what the challenge is about? There is no easy answer for that. It just comes with experience.  You may be facing some kind of challenge but you’re not sure how to overcome it.

Challenges will come in many different forms, and it is important to be able to identify them. If you can’t identify what the challenge is about, it’s hard to be able to solve it. All challenges we face come from our past life experiences, and it’s important to recognize this before we can solve the challenge.

Write down how you feel about the challenge

The first step to overcoming any challenge is acknowledging that you have one. The next step is acknowledging you are struggling with it. The final step is putting the challenge temporarily aside to focus on something else that matters.


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Transform Your Life By Transforming Your Habits Fri, 11 Jun 2021 01:46:48 +0000 Habits aren’t broken or unchangeable, but they are a lot trickier than they might seem. Failing to change a bad habit can lead to a life of unhappiness, fat, and a lot of bench pressing with dumbbells to get the exercise that you should be getting from a treadmill. Habits are hard to break; it’s …

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Habits aren’t broken or unchangeable, but they are a lot trickier than they might seem. Failing to change a bad habit can lead to a life of unhappiness, fat, and a lot of bench pressing with dumbbells to get the exercise that you should be getting from a treadmill. Habits are hard to break; it’s like trying to do a pull-up when you can’t touch your toes.

A habit is one of the great drivers of success in life, but for most of us, our habits are a source of irritation, a source of stress, and a source of unnecessary pain. For example, most people that are overweight have a bad habit of overeating and a bad habit of not exercising. On the other hand, most people that exercise regularly have a good habit of eating well, and a good habit of exercising.

Choose a habit that you want to transform 

Do you want to transform your life, but you’re not sure what habits to tackle? Do you want to transform your life by transforming your habits? Then you have come to the right place.

It’s time to make a commitment to yourself and to learn a habit that will transform your life, and maybe even your habits. A habit is a pattern of behavior done without thinking and unconscious. It might be your daily routine, you might even have habits that are good for your life in general. But, a bad habit will negatively affect your life in many ways, and you don’t want to put those negatives out there for everyone to see.

Pick a day to begin 

There are three months each year that are special in so many ways. Each year you look at the calendar and see that it is a new month, with a new potential for new adventures and new experiences. You make plans for the rest of the year as you look forward to the new possibilities. You look at the calendar each New Year’s Eve and see the next 365 days that you will be able to step into new adventures and new possibilities.

The Power of Habits

You can change the way you think, feel, and act by breaking bad habits and developing good ones.

There are people who are constantly trying to change their habits. They are the ones who try to quit smoking, go to the gym every day, drink less alcohol, eat healthily, and so on. But, their attempts to change their habits are just a waste of their time. Why? Because habits are hard to break, especially if they were formed years ago. The only way to do this is through a process called habit stacking.

How to Change a Habit

You’re probably used to hearing that changing your habits is very hard and that you’ll never be able to do it. It’s one of the most common questions people ask: why can’t I change, and how can I? But just because something is hard doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it. Most of us have habits that we’re quite happy with, ones that make our lives easier. But if you want to make changes, you have to start somewhere.

We all have habits – smaller habits and big habits. Each of these habits—including eating, exercising, and spending money—can be helpful or unhelpful. So, how do habits work? How do you get one? In this post, we will cover some of the basics of changing habits, and we’ll also introduce some simple tips to help you make the process easier.

Picking a New Habit 

A habit is something we do over and over again, often without thinking about it. The more a habit becomes a part of our routine, the more likely it is to become a habit. But, if you want to change a habit, you can’t simply decide to do it. Habits require specific triggers to form, and habits need to be changed at the right time and in the right way.

For most people, changing a habit is an extremely difficult task, so what’s the best way to make it happen? The answer is usually based on the habit itself. If you have a bad habit of smoking, you will have to make a conscious choice to stop, and this is the hardest part. But what if you have a habit of not smoking, like not enough water? Shouldn’t that be easier to change? The trick is to make small changes in your life, instead of one big transition, as small changes will build-up to the big one.

Why Did My Habit Not Work?

Your habits may prevent you from reaching your goals, but there are ways around that. If you are not making progress towards your goal, it’s time to re-examine your habits and make changes to overcome the obstacles they pose.

Most people who have fallen off the habit wagon have a valid reason for not being able to quit the habit. The key is to understand the reason that is holding you back and to work on that in order to be successful in quitting the habit.


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How to Stop Procrastinating? Wed, 09 Jun 2021 23:09:50 +0000 Procrastination is a very common problem that plagues nearly everyone. Procrastination is the practice of postponing or delaying a task because of uncertainty or fear of failure. We all know what it’s like to be hard-pressed for time, but putting something off until later is hardly a unique scenario. The fact is, procrastination is associated …

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Procrastination is a very common problem that plagues nearly everyone. Procrastination is the practice of postponing or delaying a task because of uncertainty or fear of failure. We all know what it’s like to be hard-pressed for time, but putting something off until later is hardly a unique scenario. The fact is, procrastination is associated with all kinds of negative outcomes. This is so true that some therapists prescribe certain methods for curing it, such as anti-procrastination therapy.


Procrastination is one of the most frustrating things to deal with. Chances are you have been procrastinating on something you need to get done, which is why I decided to write this blog post. Setting a timer 

If you’re someone who procrastinates, you know how difficult it can be to get started on a task. But, you don’t have to rely on willpower to start doing things. A timer is a great way to help you get started on something and stay focused on it. Here are a few tips for how to use a timer to get things done without procrastination.


Often it seems like no matter how early you set a timer, it will always “accidentally” slip to the last possible minute. This is because we often get complacent and ignore the timer, only to realize that we are already late for the start of the next class, the next meeting, or the next meeting.

Setting deadlines 

For many people, time is the only thing standing in the way of success. If you have a goal to reach, you probably want to get there as soon as you can. You might even have a deadline. But before setting a deadline, you need to ask yourself: do I have a realistic plan? Without a deadline, you might never reach your goal.


It’s really easy to wait. Whether it’s for that last-minute business deal, that interview, or a big project. We’ve all done it, and know that it’s a horrible habit. The problem is, we don’t stop. We let our procrastination get the best of us. But, you can change that. You can change your procrastination. You can set a deadline, and you can stick to it. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “I don’t have the time. I don’t have the energy. I can’t stick to anything.” Well, you

Making pledges

The number of people making pledges has dramatically increased in recent years, and pledges have become a widespread tool for attempting to improve yourself. Although many people think it is a great way to gain motivation while making a change, like weight loss or exercising more, the reality is that not all pledges are effective. Many people who make a pledge may not stick to it, and many people who do stick to it may not see long-term results, or even become more motivated by it.

The causes of procrastination

Procrastination is something that we all face at one point or another, and it’s something that can be incredibly difficult to deal with. We all know that procrastination is bad for us and that it can lead to many of our problems. However, the research community still does not agree on just how to solve this problem. Some say that one needs to change their environment, while others say it’s about our ability to manage our emotions. What do you think?


Procrastination is one of the most common problems people complain about. However, it usually doesn’t get better on its own. The big problem is that there is an ongoing negative cycle that causes you to put off (and thus procrastinate) and then feel bad about procrastinating. The good news is that you can break this negative cycle.

What you can do to combat procrastination

Procrastination is a common problem that many people struggle with on a daily basis. Whether you work, go to school or stay home, procrastination can have a huge impact on your life and can ruin your productivity. This is even more true if you’re a student and have high pressures that you have to meet. For example, if you’re trying to get a good grade on a paper, you might find yourself putting it off until the last minute where you can’t complete it.


Procrastination is the bane of our existence. It causes us to put things off, getting us into a vicious cycle of putting things off, making us even more inefficient as a result. Most people have some type of “go-to” behavior for procrastination. Some people just put things off until the last minute, others do it by going back over things repeatedly, and others do it by procrastinating on small things until the big things bite them.

Recognizing when you are procrastinating

Procrastination is a common problem among students. Many of us get distracted easily and find ourselves with all sorts of tasks that we can’t complete. Even when we know that we have to do them, it is hard for us to actually get started. We don’t want to start, we don’t have the energy to do it and almost all of us don’t even want to engage with it.

Getting started with the task 


Procrastination is something that most people know all too well. It’s not just a temporary thing, either. We’re talking about a chronic, life-long problem. It’s something that makes us feel bad for ourselves and can affect our productivity at work, school, or home. But, if you have a problem with procrastination, you can take action to fix it.


For many of us, procrastination is an integral part of modern life. We’re often too busy to do the things we need to do, or we simply find it too difficult to make the effort. However, procrastination is a serious and complex problem that can have serious consequences. There are some things you can do to stop procrastinating, and you should be aware of the common causes and effects of procrastination.


The post How to Stop Procrastinating? appeared first on Human Right Warrior.

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Tips in living a happy life Wed, 09 Jun 2021 22:49:02 +0000   The best advice for a happy life has to be how to deal with the problems that come with life, that is why many say that it is easier said than done. It is important to live a happy life. Not only for your wellbeing but also for your loved ones. And it is …

The post Tips in living a happy life appeared first on Human Right Warrior.


The best advice for a happy life has to be how to deal with the problems that come with life, that is why many say that it is easier said than done. It is important to live a happy life. Not only for your wellbeing but also for your loved ones. And it is certainly true that if we are miserable, we’re much more likely to drag them down with us. So, what should you do to live a happy life?


For some people, one of the most important things to remember is to live each day to the fullest. There are many things that contribute to how happy our life is, and everyday living is no different. There are many things you can do to live a happier life, such as spending time with your family and friends and doing things that you enjoy.


These days, people often look for tips to help them achieve happiness in their lives. If you ask a person what makes him happy, you may get a vague answer like “eating healthy” or “living a green life”. There are many ways of living a happy life, and it all depends on your personal experiences and values.


There are always many things that we can do to maintain a happy life. We can improve our social circle, our health, and our work. We can also make some changes in our life to be more healthy and happy.

Improve your life by increasing relaxation 

The concept of “relaxation” is often misunderstood and misused. People think relaxation means having a “mindless” day, or enjoying a “serene” state, or just “showing up” and not caring.


There are a number of ways we can improve our quality of life. Meditation, relaxation and other forms of stress reduction are very popular for a number of reasons: to increase relaxation, improve productivity, combat anxiety, and resolve chronic pain and stress. Although, in some cases, these are simply marketing ploys and people will use them because they are told to do so.


If you’re stressed out, it’s likely that your brain’s levels of a hormone called cortisol are high. Cortisol is a hormone that can make us seem stressed out by causing our hearts to beat faster and making our blood pressure rise.

Learn something new

There are so many people out there who are skeptical about learning new things. But learning new things can not only be useful in life, but can also help you to become a better person. The first step to learning anything is to know what it is you want to learn, and then focus on learning that.


Did you know that the amount of money you spend on an item is about the same as the happiness you feel after spending money on that item? It turns out that a dollar is worth about the same amount of happiness as a dollar is worth in cash. While that may seem a little strange, it’s a concept that can help you cut down on your spending and live a happier life.

Learn from your mistakes

If you’ve ever done any kind of job, you can probably relate to this. It’s the feeling you get when you realize you’ve made a mistake. Maybe you mispronounced something or made a really bad decision. There’s a moment of realizing what you did, and then there’s the feeling of remorse.


Your life is an adventure, filled with experiences, choices, and mistakes. It’s important to learn from your mistakes, to learn from the bad experiences, and to remember them when you’re experiencing something good.


Life brings us many challenges. If you happen to have made a mistake, know that it is alright to make mistakes and that there is nothing wrong with admitting it. The important thing is that you learn from it and do not repeat it.

Set goals 

But why stop there? You can set a series of smaller goals that eventually lead to a larger goal. Another way of thinking about this is to break down your goals into a series of small steps. If you take this approach you can end up with a system that works for you.


There are many ways to define a goal. One of the most popular ways to define a goal is by using a number. For example, many people define their weight loss goals by setting a number on the scale. A common weight loss goal is to lose one or more pounds per week.

Make friends, be around positive people

A lot of people are naturally shy and don’t think it’s okay to talk to strangers. If you’re like that, you might be somebody who struggles to make friends and you may even avoid meeting new people. That’s all well and good, and I wouldn’t say you have to start talking to strangers, but you should stop avoiding them.

Friends can make or break your life. When you have no one to talk to, your mind begins to wander. You might feel lonely, or worried. The way you act can make you miss opportunities to meet people you can be friends with. Don’t let this happen to you. Start a conversation with people you meet. Act like your friends, and hold a door open for them. If someone is late to a party, ask them to join you. If you see a friend walking alone, offer to walk with them. When you are sitting and waiting for someone to arrive, smile and chat with the people around you.

Learn to meditate

Being happy is a skill that can be learned, and it can be learned in a myriad of ways. There are mental training programs that help you achieve happiness by teaching you how to think more positively and how to manage bad moods. There are also things that you can do on your own, like meditating, to help you feel more relaxed and upbeat.


We all know that meditation is great for our health and well-being. It is good for our mental and physical health, and helps us to be more in touch with ourselves. We need to focus and learn to manage our thoughts and emotions, and we need to learn to relax. But how do we learn meditation? There are many different meditation methods, and many different ways to approach meditation.

Avoid stress 

Stress is a universal condition that can affect all of us. Whether you are dealing with an important deadline at work, an upcoming project, or a dreaded exam, stress can affect your quality of life.


Are you one of those stress-busting types? You know, the ones who have it all: a healthy body, a great relationship, a fulfilling job, and a house that is clean and organized. You take care to eat healthily and exercise regularly, but still, feel like you are always running around trying to meet everyone’s needs? You can’t sleep long enough for a nap, and you’re always on the go. In your spare time, you head to the gym to stay in shape, but you feel like you’re losing steam. You have a great idea for a blog post, but you keep putting it off, and now you’re late for work. The list goes on.


Stress is a ubiquitous phenomenon that impacts everyone. It can range from mild pressures in everyday life to serious conditions like depression and anxiety. The symptoms of stress can sometimes be experienced as physical, and it may be considered a ‘symptom’ of other issues.


Be grateful for each day you have


Lately, I have been reflecting on how I spend my time and why I do so. There are so many things that I could be doing every day, but I am not doing them. I feel like I am wasting my time. Often, I feel like I am always working, so I do not have time to notice what I have. I feel like my days are packed and I do not have time to enjoy them. I am always busy, always thinking about what I am doing and hoping that I will get back to it the next day so that I can start the process all over again. I am scared.


Do you know those people who are always complaining about something? The ones who complain about the things they don’t have and don’t have time for don’t have friends, the ones who complain about everything but still complain about everything. Well, this is a personal blog, so I don’t want to do that. One thing I’ve learned in my short time on the internet is that everybody has something to be grateful for, no matter what.


The post Tips in living a happy life appeared first on Human Right Warrior.

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Tips in living a happy life Sun, 06 Jun 2021 00:16:42 +0000 Tips in living a happy life   The best advice for a happy life has to be how to deal with the problems that come with life, that is why many say that it is easier said than done. It is important to live a happy life. Not only for your wellbeing, but also for …

The post Tips in living a happy life appeared first on Human Right Warrior.

Tips in living a happy life


The best advice for a happy life has to be how to deal with the problems that come with life, that is why many say that it is easier said than done. It is important to live a happy life. Not only for your wellbeing, but also for your loved ones. And it is certainly true that if we are miserable, we’re much more likely to drag them down with us. So, what should you do to live a happy life?


For some people, one of the most important things to remember is to live each day to the fullest. There are many things that contribute to how happy our life is, and everyday living is no different. There are many things you can do to live a happier life, such as spending time with your family and friends and doing things that you enjoy.


These days, people often look for tips to help them achieve happiness in their lives. If you ask a person what makes him happy, you may get a vague answer like “eating healthy” or “living a green life”. There are many ways of living a happy life, and it all depends on your personal experiences and values.


There are always many things that we can do to maintain a happy life. We can improve our social circle, our health, and our work. We can also make some changes in our lives to be more healthy and happy.

Improve your life by increasing relaxation 

The concept of “relaxation” is often misunderstood and misused. People think relaxation means having a “mindless” day, or enjoying a “serene” state, or just “showing up” and not caring.


There are a number of ways we can improve our quality of life. Meditation, relaxation, and other forms of stress reduction are very popular for a number of reasons: to increase relaxation, improve productivity, combat anxiety, and resolve chronic pain and stress. Although, in some cases, these are simply marketing ploys and people will use them because they are told to do so.


If you’re stressed out, it’s likely that your brain’s levels of a hormone called cortisol are high. Cortisol is a hormone that can make us seem stressed out by causing our hearts to beat faster and making our blood pressure rise.

Learn something new

There are so many people out there who are skeptical about learning new things. But learning new things can not only be useful in life but can also help you to become a better person. The first step to learning anything is to know what it is you want to learn, and then focus on learning that.


Did you know that the amount of money you spend on an item is about the same as the happiness you feel after spending money on that item? It turns out that a dollar is worth about the same amount of happiness as a dollar is worth in cash. While that may seem a little strange, it’s a concept that can help you cut down on your spending and live a happier life.

Learn from your mistakes

If you’ve ever done any kind of job, you can probably relate to this. It’s the feeling you get when you realize you’ve made a mistake. Maybe you mispronounced something or made a really bad decision. There’s a moment of realizing what you did, and then there’s the feeling of remorse.


Your life is an adventure, filled with experiences, choices, and mistakes. It’s important to learn from your mistakes, to learn from the bad experiences, and to remember them when you’re experiencing something good.


Life brings us many challenges. If you happen to have made a mistake, know that it is alright to make mistakes and that there is nothing wrong with admitting it. The important thing is that you learn from it and do not repeat it.

Set goals 

But why stop there? You can set a series of smaller goals that eventually lead to a larger goal. Another way of thinking about this is to break down your goals into a series of small steps. If you take this approach you can end up with a system that works for you.


There are many ways to define a goal. One of the most popular ways to define a goal is by using a number. For example, many people define their weight loss goals by setting a number on the scale. A common weight loss goal is to lose one or more pounds per week.

Make friends, be around positive people

A lot of people are naturally shy and don’t think it’s okay to talk to strangers. If you’re like that, you might be somebody who struggles to make friends and you may even avoid meeting new people. That’s all well and good, and I wouldn’t say you have to start talking to strangers, but you should stop avoiding them.

Friends can make or break your life. When you have no one to talk to, your mind begins to wander. You might feel lonely, or worried. The way you act can make you miss opportunities to meet people you can be friends with. Don’t let this happen to you. Start a conversation with people you meet. Act like your friends, and hold a door open for them. If someone is late to a party, ask them to join you. If you see a friend walking alone, offer to walk with them. When you are sitting and waiting for someone to arrive, smile and chat with the people around you.

Learn to meditate

Being happy is a skill that can be learned, and it can be learned in a myriad of ways. There are mental training programs that help you achieve happiness by teaching you how to think more positively and how to manage bad moods. There are also things that you can do on your own, like meditating, to help you feel more relaxed and upbeat.


We all know that meditation is great for our health and well-being. It is good for our mental and physical health and helps us to be more in touch with ourselves. We need to focus and learn to manage our thoughts and emotions, and we need to learn to relax. But how do we learn meditation? There are many different meditation methods, and many different ways to approach meditation.

Avoid stress 

Stress is a universal condition that can affect all of us. Whether you are dealing with an important deadline at work, an upcoming project, or a dreaded exam, stress can affect your quality of life.


Are you one of those stress-busting types? You know, the ones who have it all: a healthy body, a great relationship, a fulfilling job, and a house that is clean and organized. You take care to eat healthy and exercise regularly, but still, feel like you are always running around trying to meet everyone’s needs? You can’t sleep long enough for a nap, and you’re always on the go. In your spare time, you head to the gym to stay in shape, but you feel like you’re losing steam. You have a great idea for a blog post, but you keep putting it off, and now you’re late for work. The list goes on.


Stress is a ubiquitous phenomenon that impacts everyone. It can range from mild pressures in everyday life to serious conditions like depression and anxiety. The symptoms of stress can sometimes be experienced as physical, and it may be considered a ‘symptom’ of other issues.


Be grateful for each day you have


Lately, I have been reflecting on how I spend my time and why I do so. There are so many things that I could be doing every day, but I am not doing them. I feel like I am wasting my time. Often, I feel like I am always working, so I do not have time to notice what I have. I feel like my days are packed and I do not have time to enjoy them. I am always busy, always thinking about what I am doing and hoping that I will get back to it the next day so that I can start the process all over again. I am scared.


Do you know those people who are always complaining about something? The ones who complain about the things they don’t have and don’t have time for don’t have friends, the ones who complain about everything but still complain about everything. Well, this is a personal blog, so I don’t want to do that. One thing I’ve learned in my short time on the internet is that everybody has something to be grateful for, no matter what.


The post Tips in living a happy life appeared first on Human Right Warrior.

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