Live better – Human Right Warrior It's all about your rights Sun, 06 Jun 2021 00:04:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “How can we live better?” Sun, 06 Jun 2021 00:04:34 +0000 How can we live better? That might seem like a simple question, but with the right attitude and plan, we can all make a difference. It all starts with a little thoughtfulness: How can you be more mindful each day about the choices you make? What small things can you do to improve your environment …

The post “How can we live better?” appeared first on Human Right Warrior.

How can we live better? That might seem like a simple question, but with the right attitude and plan, we can all make a difference. It all starts with a little thoughtfulness: How can you be more mindful each day about the choices you make? What small things can you do to improve your environment and your quality of life? The choices we make every day shape the environment in which we live and determine our quality of life.

Ways to improve self-esteem

It could be due to a moment of emotional upset, or something that a friend said about us, or being told off for the way we acted. It could even be a lack of confidence in our own abilities. Whatever the reason, the first thing we need to do is acknowledge it. This is the step that can often seem the hardest. It is also the step that will really help you to feel better about yourself.


Self-esteem is the ability to think positively about your own worth and abilities. It’s the ability to see yourself as a confident, competent person, and the belief that you can do anything you set your mind to. Self-esteem is important for everyone and growing up, we all need to feel good about ourselves to help us learn to be good people.

Ways to be more motivated

As time goes on, it becomes harder and harder to find motivation to do the things that we used to love to do. Life gets busy, you have less and less time to put into activities you don’t enjoy, and the things that used to give you joy just aren’t enough anymore. You start losing sight of what really matters in life and find yourself spending your time on things that aren’t important to you.


People are always looking for new ways to be more motivated. Whether it’s finding ways to motivate yourself to go to the gym, finding ways to start your own business, or ways to motivate others to do what they need to do to be successful, people are always looking for ways to be more motivated. This is a very important topic, because too many people are not motivated enough to make the changes that are necessary to get the results that they want.

Ways to be more creative


You’re probably not going to be able to be more creative than Shakespeare, but you can learn tips and tricks that can help you become more creative. Many people feel that creativity is a gift or talent and that to be creative you must simply be born creative. That’s not the case. Creativity is learned and it can be taught, and you can learn it by reading this blog post.


Ways to be more productive


We all have different ways to make our lives better. Some of us want more money and a better job, others want to have new experiences, or we want to be able to travel the world. But in the end, we all want to be more productive.


“How to be more productive” will be a self-explanatory blog post. Something like “How to be more productive” will contain all the tips and tricks that you’ll ever need to be more productive. It will be a comprehensive guide to being more productive, and you’ll be able to find all the answers you’ll ever need in one place. Eventually, that blog will be a place where you can find all the answers you’ll ever need to be more productive. We’re planning on introducing a “How to be more productive” app, and you’ll all be able to download and read the tips

Be kind to others


We all think about the importance of being kind to others. We want to help people, and we want to be good people. Do we think being nice is a way to be a better person or an easy way to be liked, but is it the right way? The truth is, being nice to others can be a great way to make them happy, and often does not cost us much. We do not need to be overzealous or distant to be kind, we just need to be authentic and genuine in our interactions with others.

Appreciate the little things


Some people feel that life is all about important things, like careers, money, and social status. They feel that the little things just fade away, and they are not worth caring about. Now, we all have to manage the little things every day. Some of these things are so small and insignificant that they may not even get our attention. Therefore, it is important to appreciate the little things.


We get so wrapped up in our busy lives that we sometimes completely forget to appreciate the little things in life. When we don’t take the time to appreciate these little things, then inevitably we give up on them. If you can remember to appreciate the little things in life then you will have a happier, more enjoyable existence when you look back.

Reduce your stress


There are many ways to reduce your stress, and you likely already know about them. You can exercise, sleep, socialize, meditate, do yoga, engage in hobbies, or simply make your bed every day. While most people are aware of these stress-reducing methods, the fact is that some people are simply unaware of them, and may not be as relaxed as they should be.


If you tell me that you haven’t felt stressed lately, or that you don’t deal with it, I’ll be very surprised. We all deal with stress on a daily basis, whether we know it or not. The more we stress, the more we look for ways to cope. We can try to distract ourselves with things we like, we can exercise to help ourselves sleep or have a better mood. However, not all of us can reach the level of stress reduction that our body requires to have a better quality of life.


The post “How can we live better?” appeared first on Human Right Warrior.

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