The list of human rights is quite long, but the four basic human rights are: Life: the right to be born, be healthy and have a decent life Freedom: the right to freedom of movement, to form associations, to associate for political ends, to participate in the democratic process, and to hold public office Security: …

How to Overcome Challenges?
Your challenges are not always the things that you have to overcome. Sometimes they are the things that are in front of you that seem like they are impossible to overcome. They are what keep you stuck. It is these challenges that have you believing that you can’t overcome them, that keep you from having …
Transform Your Life By Transforming Your Habits
Habits aren’t broken or unchangeable, but they are a lot trickier than they might seem. Failing to change a bad habit can lead to a life of unhappiness, fat, and a lot of bench pressing with dumbbells to get the exercise that you should be getting from a treadmill. Habits are hard to break; it’s …

Tips on nutrition, diet and exercise
The average person wakes up every morning at least several times a day to stave off hunger pangs before long hours of work. While this may be necessary to keep us functioning as we do, there are a few things we can do to minimize the strain on our bodies. Nutrition is a key …

The Glory of God
That is not a boast of the creature, but of the Creator. The glory is the glory of God. The glory is not the creature’s glory, but his own glory. That is why the creature is not proud of it. But God is not proud of it. That is why he cannot be proud. For …

Love Between Parents and Children: What Is It?
The love between parents and children is something that is hard to define. Many may even believe it is impossible. However, love between a mother and son, a father and daughter, a father and daughter, or a mother and daughter, is something that all parents should have. It should be something that motivates us to …

How to Stop Procrastinating?
Procrastination is a very common problem that plagues nearly everyone. Procrastination is the practice of postponing or delaying a task because of uncertainty or fear of failure. We all know what it’s like to be hard-pressed for time, but putting something off until later is hardly a unique scenario. The fact is, procrastination is associated …

Tips in living a happy life
The best advice for a happy life has to be how to deal with the problems that come with life, that is why many say that it is easier said than done. It is important to live a happy life. Not only for your wellbeing but also for your loved ones. And it is …
Tips in living a happy life
Tips in living a happy life The best advice for a happy life has to be how to deal with the problems that come with life, that is why many say that it is easier said than done. It is important to live a happy life. Not only for your wellbeing, but also for …

“How can we live better?”
How can we live better? That might seem like a simple question, but with the right attitude and plan, we can all make a difference. It all starts with a little thoughtfulness: How can you be more mindful each day about the choices you make? What small things can you do to improve your environment …